Friday, November 24, 2006

This Day's a MUST Love

All hail to the ''all-day-for-preparation'' idea. Indeed, it shooed the subjects away and basically, all we did was to set up our booth. Actually, we even played jumping rope and heck, it was a lot of fun, although it actually gave me quite a headache probably because of intense heat. Well, it kind of drizzled some time in the afternoon and that made me a little bit depressed, but Mr Sun was good enough in pushing the heavy clouds away. Not long, it was sunny again.

Booth preparation was really exhausting because even though we had a tent, we still had to face the intense heat and mind you, there was like a sauna in there. I was burning like roasted chicken. No kidding. Anyhow, we managed to deal with Mr Sun. But honestly, I wasn't much of a helping hand today. Instead of preparing our booth, I kind of.. hm, let's say, roamed around. Oops! Was that too loud for everyone to heaaaar? Oh well. Really, I wasn't just that productive.

Most of my time was spent for watching the dancers' practices. And much to our boredom, we painted our nails. Nail polish courtesy of Camille and Gian. Of course, vain moments weren't to be missed. Took quite a number of pictures. But darn, I didn't bring a camera nor a phone so pictures are with my friends. Hm, let's wait. Maybe, I'll post it here the moment I save it in my computer.

For those who know (and still don't know), Assumption Antipolo's school fair, Cirque, will be tomorrow already. Do come if you can, and if you can't (boo-hoo), still try to come.

Well, I don't actually feel any bit of excitement-- I don't know why. Maybe, for one, I'm kind of running out of money so how the heck can you enjoy the fair without sufficient dosh? *sigh* Oh well, atleast the 'rents would still give me allowance. I think.


Still no sign of excitement. So, I guess I'll sleep soundly tonight. I just hope that, overall, the fair would be a success-- I kind of feel it will be, because I think it always is.

Oh yeah, I was hoping to get an "Assumptionista" t-shirt but unfortunately, I was too late. They already ran out! Boo-hoo.

Well, pray for good weather tomorrow. I hope it doesn't rain and I pray that it also wouldn't be too sunny for intense heat might just kill me in the middle of the field. I have morning and afternoon shifts but on Saturday, I don't have any (I guess) so that's kind of good on my part-- atleast it wouldn't be too tiring for me.

Hm, I'll hang out with my friends the whoooooooooooole day tomorrow so I know this'll be SO.MUCH.FUN.

And yeah, before I forget, I-2 and I-4's booth is "SHINDIG." Watch out! I will not be a catcher though, I'll be lazily hanging out in our booth doing responsibly my shift: dozing off to soundly sleep. Juuuuust kidding. I'll be the one who'll dress up those who dare to do the task. Yeah boy!

@ 10:45 AM

Sunday, November 19, 2006

i think i don't care-- oops, think again

After getting a glimpse of my dreadful second quarter grades, I have the sudden feeling of regret because I know I somehow neglected my studies. There were actually times wherein I'd accomplish a homework (or even a project) just a few minutes/hours before the deadline. I'm a perfect crammer, right? And now, what do I get? The friggin consequence and yes, it totally sucks. All of my grades went down except for Math which only went up by a damn point. Oh hell. This is life. I do something bad, I get something awful in return. I guess I'd have to focus more again on my studies this time because I really, really have to pull up my grades.

Fortunately enough, my parents were okay with the situation. I know that they're somehow disappointed though, just basing it from the smirk they gave me as soon as they made a top-to-bottom view of my grades. So, that puts a whooooooole lot of burden on me again. And I have to work harder, double-time to produce extra load. School really drives me nuts sometimes and my grades make me nerdy, but I feel that somehow I just have to do what is necessary.

I've just started memorizing fifty elements in the periodic table in their actual order. Mind you, I'm putting a lot of effort in this because the elements are like terrible tongue-twisters on the loose. Almost half-way through but I still have a long way to go. Also, I've finished my AP homework (Seeing my AP grade was kind of depressing. I should have done better.) and I'm really making up for all the opportunities I seemed to have thrown away the previous quarter.

Well, third quarter's going to be way, way short because of all the activities. The fair, the school productions, holidays, and the like. Speaking of which, the fair will be this week and I'm so excited. Variety show too. Lurve. For the school production, guess what, our batch will be playing the recorder. Boo-hoo. And for the holidays, I'm looking forward to it. Very much. I don't know why I crave much on vacations this time while last year I actually liked school and I used to love studying. Oh well, people DO change. I just hope I'd change for the better. Imma get my lazy self working.

Good night world.

@ 2:16 PM

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Damn. Report Card Day tomorrow. This sucks. I have a low RHGP grade and yeah, actually all my grades went down. Way, way down. Phff.

Anyway, happy one year to my blog. I'd do a proper update as soon as I get rid of my lazy ass. Peace.

@ 11:10 AM

Friday, November 10, 2006

After a short-long vacay

Wow. Time flies so fast. The sembreak seemed to have just passed by in 'whoosh' kind of way (if you get what I mean). I can't imagine we're back to torture and terror again. Demands of the school, you just can't escape.

A while ago, we had the school mass. Unfortunately, there was no long recess. According to Mrs. Aguilos, we didn't follow her instruction and we did quite a mess. So, we just ended up having the regular thirty-minute recess. Sucky, sucky. Afterwards, we proceeded to our venues for the parish thing. It feels kind of weird, really. Just after the saint's name per section plan was announced, here comes another religious event. I think it's probably because we failed the "How Catholic Is Your School School" survey which we filled up, months ago.

Anyhow, we had freaking subjects in the afternoon. Oh hell. But good enough, the day wasn't as hectic as our regular Thursday schedule would have, supposedly been.

Tomorrow's going to be Math Camp. Gotta love Math. Not. Can't imagine. A whole day devoted to nothing but damn numbers and operations. Talk about brain drain. I know I've got to get enough rest because tomorrow's going to require a lot of thinking. Stocked knowledge? Darn, I don't have it. Ha-ha.

@ 11:07 AM

Goes by the name Kara. 16 years young. Filipina and Proud!

1. I put a lot of catsup on my pizza
2. I do not eat gummy bears/gummy worms and other chewy sweets
3. I have a shoe addiction
4. I can act tomboy-ish at times
5. I think I want to be a pilot






*items with asterisks (*) are NOT included in the priority list

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