Thursday, May 31, 2007
swinging by a pageant Miss Universe 2007 was indeed the most watched television show yesterday; featuring beautiful, witty women all over world, straight up from Albania down to Zambia. All 77 contestants were truly beauty and brains (and legs). I can say that (among the top 15) Ms Brazil, Ms Thailand and Ms Japan caught my eye-- they were true extraordinaires. Sadly though, our own Ms Anna Theresa Licaros wasn't able to bag a spot. But, true enough, God works in different ways and as the show progressed, I was happy enough to boast that our Ms Philippines did indeed win as Ms Photogenic-- and this is the second time around.

I believe she was one of the prettiest ladies on stage (I am not siding with her just because she's a Filipina) and fit enough to be representing our country. As the show went on though, I was able to witness one of the tragic parts wherein Smith, Ms USA, was walking down the aisle (in her evening gown) and actually fell on her butt. The crowd went "awe" and Mexicanos (I think) were trying to put her down. But, she still got up (so quickly) and went through the runway. Surprisingly, this embarrassing moment didn't get her to feel too much insecurity. Just imagine tripping down in front of the thousands watching you live and the millions watching you through the television. My, oh my!
If I was in her place, I would have even run backstage. So, I completely, completely admire her for still bringing up that smile and who would have known, she emerged as a fourth runner-up.
What really captivated me that night was the fact that Asian women kind of hit the spot this time. I mean, Korea got in top 5; Japan won Ms Universe 2007; Ms Congeniality was Ms China; and Ms Photogenic was Ms Philippines. So, why all Asian? No idea. Maybe, fate has turned to
us this time, allowing the citizens of the largest continent to bag a title. True and fair enough.
behind its successYet, there are controversies behind the success of the Miss Universe 2007 Pageant. As the newspaper stated, there were indeed protests going on and one contestant backed-out-- complaining that it was against what is right.
I have had the chance to read something about all these pageant shows-- how unnatural and cruel it is because it gave an altered meaning to the word
beautiful-- thin, tall, pretty-looking face; and if you are the opposite, then you are
not pretty. How cruel indeed! I do not know whether I am to agree that pageant shows are inapproriate or whether to contradict the theory others proposed. Maybe, it is a point stated on each other's side. Pageants may have been, in a way, a source of insecurity because
really, women featured in these types of shows are THIN, TALL
and PRETTY. So, who would then make way for women who are neither thin nor tall? (I
am part of that group)
Well, pageants may have their way but people should not allow themselves to be swallowed up by media influences and neither should they let themselves down. All people are created differently for varying reasons. We each have our own distinct personalities which make us unique from others. And what about being
beautiful? OH C'MON, who is stupid enough to believe that beautiful means tall, thin and pretty-looking only?!? Better look at yourself first because true beauty comes from
within not from without. **Photo Courtesy of
Miss Universe 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
rain, rain go awayThe rain is simply getting in my nerves. The thunders just shriek like crazy in the clouds. And the lightning-- they're like huge camera flashes up in the grey, grey sky. Freaky, I know. Better yet, I have to get used to it. Afterall, summer is almost officially over, rainy season is tremendously due. But don't you think it is a bit too early to bid farewell to summer? Nah, I don't think so. All these raindrops clanging on my windowsill makes me feel a bit emo and lonely-- especially now that I am in fact alone at home. randomly blogging my heart outRight now, I have my hair tied up in a pony and completely trying to concentrate on what I want to snitch about. The cool weather makes me feel totally calmed down. For once, I do not feel the sticky sweat trickling down my back and face. For once, I had the feel of rainy season and the cool breeze blowing against my entire body. For once, it all makes sense. The scorching sun may have gotten tired of shining its harmful rays and I am grateful for that. If not for this part-time "rainy" season, I would have collapsed. Yes, I do use the aircon but I try to avoid as much because our bill has greatly increased and you know how I guilty I feel when I think I've spent too much of my parents' dough.
I think this day would have gotten better if I got my lazy ass moving off to SM with my two Ice Princesses and Queen Mother. But then again, my fatty ass held me back from doing so. And now, I am ungratefully stuck here at home, alone. Trying to deal with boredom and hold on as much as I can.
Well, there's nothing really good to watch on TV and I've gotten sick and tired of tuning in American Idol (Season 6) Finale on Starworld. Believe me, the rerun is being played all over again, all over again, all over again. Oh c'mon, who would even watch a two-hour finale over and over and over again (unless you're totally into one of the performers) because you can actually just check on what's happening on the net. And yes, I think every American talkshow covered it: Sparks won. That's it, that's all they needed to know.
Anyway, I am constantly banning myself from getting out of my room because basically, all I will do, is open the ref and grab something to munch on. Now, don't wonder how I got my fatty theighs, drum-like tummy and puffy cheeks. You see, my new hobby now is plainly, opening the refridgerator and grabbing a bite (well, a LOT of bites). I do not know but I am partly blaiming it to my Mom who just buys a lot of great stuffs from the grocery lately. I cannot find out exactly why, whether she is trying to fill me in "good and sweet" stuffs or just trying to test my self-discipline (when it comes to food, atleast). I am completely having a hard time dealing with it because all these good food make my tummy cry and grumble. Even if I am full, I tend to push myself to limits, promising to myself that it will be last bite but ending up eating a whole platter. Beat that! To my surprise, I really gained a tremendous amount of weight. I need to and have to do a lot of exercise. On my part, it is a true burden because aside from sports, I do no other exercise. I abhor these stationary bicycles and treadmills and the like. I do not like gyms.
Oh well, as soon as summer finishes anyway, I won't have to stay that fit because obviously, there are no bikini requirements-- you know, beaches, pools and the like. School will soon be taking over and stress will soon be my number one enemy. I cannot really believe how fast time flies and I am incoming high school sophomore. Just a couple more years before I go and graduate. Then, swoosh, off to college. My, oh my, I am getting older. Getting older by each damn second.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Room Full of Strangers
[Edit] I want to start off mentioning about the
loser who's been spilling dirt in my tagboard.
Hello there. We all know that good people have stalkers right, so I'm
officially part of that club. Big thanks to that lunatic loser. [/Edit]

Today was a big day for me. For one, it's the American Idol (Season 6) Grand 2-Hour Finale and I have to watch it live. Eight in the morning, I was already tuning in Star World (
Thank God for cable and live-via-satellite technology) and watched various performances from my Mum's type of music up to today's biggest hits. But sadly, on my part, I did not have the chance to finish the live 2-Hour Finale because I had to attend the
M.O.V.E. FORWARD: G/J GATHERING sponsored by Kumon. At 9:35, I had to hit the streets on my way to MMLDCI, Antipolo. Once I got inside the lobby, I had some sort of andrenaline rush (the one you feel when you see your crush pass by you) because of too much nervousness. I mean, what the heck, I
am going inside a room full of
strangers. Beat that! [EDIT] Only two representatives per center are allowed to attend-- one for reading; one for math. Fortunately, I got to represent math. [/EDIT] True enough, there was no single person I know. Good thing though, they had the groups arranged before hand, so all I had to do was take a seat in the table I'm assigned to.
That was the good part of it. I mean, at least I did not have to make friends or start a conversation with a complete stranger. Whew.
So, it started with the registration (duhhh), opening speech by Ate Jacq, then came the "Getting to Know You" activity. It wasn't really some grand ice breaker, but for a starter, it was pretty good. Afterwards, we had the break. Had some Filipino Native Food served-- sapin sapin and the like. Then came the "Team Building Activity" which was in the form of an
"Amazing Race." We were provided with maps but the thing is,
no one in the group knows how to read it. Hah! So, we just ended up looking for facilitators because (obviously) where there is a facilitator, there is a station. Unlike the other groups, we did not run.. well, we did but just a little bit. We were so calm and did not even think of finishing first. What we had set in mind is that: "as long as we finish, we succeed-- it doesn't necessarily have to be first." So, we walked all the way from the entrance to the other end of the campus, slowly taking note of the landmarks we passed since it indicated where we were in the map. We hopped from one station to another, desperately finding one that is unoccupied. Well, that was the tough part of it because there were only ten stations and there are about thirteen groups.
I guess I really enjoyed the station wherein we had to jump rope, three representatives in the group [EDIT] I was part of it ;) [/EDIT]. All the three of us had to complete three consecutive jumps. According to the facilitator, we did a great job because we were fast. Well, maybe, if we just ran instead of walk, we could have reached about 3rd place instead of 5th or 6th.
After the tiring Amazing Race, we had lunch break. Fortunately, by then, our group has already bonded so it was not really hard to converse with any member. We had a satisfying meal during lunch (or were we just too hungry?:P) consisting of fried chicken, bland tasting mixed-veggies and rice. There was soup served and chocolate cupcake for dessert. After all the eating-slash-bonding moments, we had the Group Discussion. We talked about everything that happened during and after the "Team Building Activity." Then came the Open Forum, another break, speech (by Mr. Nakamura) and the most dreaded, "Commitment Ceremony."
Overall, I cannot believe I actually enjoyed this event so much and this allowed me to develop more confidence in myself and the things I am capable of accomplishing. Moreover, the room full of strangers became a room full of friends.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
After a day of no computer, I am happy to have my CPU back-- I think I got it busted because of over-use. Hehe. Well, don't blame me, it's too boring here at home; there is nothing much to do instead of eating, watching TV, internet, reading and the cycle goes over again. Talk about being saved from boredom.
As I am typing down my thoughts, my ears are listening to something else-- American Idol. Blake's and Jordin's performances are incredible, I don't know who'll win between them but I am hoping for 17-year-old Sparks to bag that American Idol title. Please, oh please. I will be needing big support over here because obviously, Blake has gotten most of the crowd. Still again, tomorrow will be the finale, so it's a must for me to watch.. I need to know who will win and so do you. :)
Last night, I got a chance to watch a part of ETC's "Search for the Next Doll." It was one of the harshest reality shows I've seen. The comments of the choreographer came as a hard, cold slap on Chelsea's face and there was a boiling anger between her and Melisa S. (I don't know if this is scripted or pure reality.) Wow, too much for being part of the Pussycat Dolls-- they do get too competitive and end up hurting each other (emotionally and verbally).
Anyway, sunny summer days are almost completely over-- drizzling rain and thunders take over. Though I'm going to miss the lazy, hot afternoons, I think I'm going to love the cool breeze of the wind. :) A fun week ahead to ya'll.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
I am a Lit Nerd
Let's talk about.. books.
All throughout summer, I've been in good company with some of the latest pop books. I had the chance to add some great authors to my "favorites" list-- these include: Carolyn Mackler, Jessie Elliot and Cara Lockwood. In addition, I also fed my mind with some "self-help" books like "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens" and "The Teenage Book of Manners.. Please"Sadly though, on my part, I haven't started the Summer Home Reading Program which is
required for this schoolyear. I don't really have that much interest in classics and definitely, Shakespeare's language is a pain for my brain-- his lines are unbearable. Oh well, here's when a good website comes in handy. On another part, all incoming sophies of our school will also have to read Chinua Achebe's, "Things Fall Apart." Beat that! After everything, completion of the Summer Home Reading Program Report Sheet is a MUST. (Wow, goodluck to me.)
I am just wondering why we don't get a chance to have "pop" books instead of classics, when afterall, they attract interest to most students my age. Come to think about it, would you rather read a Shakespeare original or some book you can fully relate to? Tell me.. Tell me.
Anyway, all this book-reading blahblah just reminds me of how soon school will start-- exactly a month from now. Well, I have done half of my school supplies shopping and spent quite a considerable amount. I am thinking of saving though.. choosing cheaper alternatives because I feel guilty of spending too much of my parents' money. On the other hand, I'm thinking of my "goals" and "aspirations" for sophomore year-- I am aiming for really good grades and hopefully eradicate my cramming habit. Also, lessen my usage of gadgets like this computer and my phone. I am sure it will be quite a challenge but what is life without challenges anyway, right??
Friday, May 18, 2007
This day is one of the most disappointing day of my entire life. I just simply cannot accept the fact that Melinda Doolittle is out of American Idol. I used to be so sure that she would be in the finals and successfully make it into being
the American Idol. I mean, what the hell, she was too good for the others; it was like she was on a different level: a
higher level
and Simon even likes him-- what could go wrong. Votes? Votes! Definitely. Well, congratulations to the "Blake" fans out there, he's in the finals together with my secondary choice (after Doolittle), Jordin Sparks. I just hope,
desperately hope that this time, Jordin would win-- she has a really
big chance into being this season's American Idol. Anyway, enough of the ranting, past
is past and even though Melida Doolittle is off American Idol, her singing career is just beginning! I wish her luck on that.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
After long weeks of hibernation, I think I'm ready to make a decent post.
I don't know exactly where I left the conversation but let me start all over AGAIN. As you can see, I just came up with a newly experimented blogskin-- it was just because of my great facination and excitement to try the new brushes I've managed to download via some website (forgot ;p). Anyway, thank you
Cam for teaching me how.
As much as I want to keep this blog alive, I can't seem to come up with appropriate and juicy stories to rant about: simply because of the absence of "fun" &&& "adventure." If you ask me to rate this summer based on vacation trips, frankly I'd dub it as something
dull; but if you ask me to rate this summer based on activities I'm engaged in, I'd yell "
overheat." Well, this is the only summer wherein I've not maximized the open slots for a family vacation. Everyone at home just seems to be.. boring-- I blame Mr. Scorching Sun for that.. very inconsiderate of him to give out harmful rays. Good enough, activities keep me intact. I didn't go through soccer training this year, and maybe that's what's new. For one, I have no one to go with and two, I just can't stand the heat (when we join competitions). So, my soccer shoes are collecting cobwebs right now (eww.. ;p) and my recently-bought Nike soccerball is deflating. Well, in addition (to the activities), I also have badminton training, piano lessons and dreaded Kumon. Ack. And, here's something new,
I'm enrolled to ice-skating lessons. I don't know exactly how I got myself into this mess but I remember agreeing to my two sisters, provided with the condition that I'd only get training for 4 sessions. Whew. If you ask me how is it, I'd say, "
it's like dragging my fat a** on ice." Well, it's pretty scary because it
is slippery once you get inside the rink and when someone falls, it's like a domino effect. Fortunately, I have one LAST session to deal with and I'm off; last meeting on Monday.
So now, I guess you'd believe me when I say that I'm
busy because I really am. I can't believe it but I'm itching for school to start. Maybe, boredom's a good thing-- I mean, it makes me want to crave for something productive to do. Well, for another, I can't believe that I've gained an incredible amount of weight-- puffy cheeks, fatty thighs, drum-like belly. My Mom's even budging me to lose weight and really, really watches out for anything I take in. Sad but true, no pain.. no gain.
Oh well. Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your summer. Ciao.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Barefoot in Zambales
The previous week was a week full of adventure, bonding and basically, fun, fun, fun! I had the chance to visit Zambales which was a total xanadu. Although I got my ass stuck on the chair for almost the whole six hours of travel, I do not regret (not even a pinch) going to such a place. With all the 60++ people we were with (mind you, it was the whole of my Dad's co-workers and workers), the entire trip was such a superb-- we even got Trinidad Bay Resort all by ourselves. Well, it wasn't really a Boracay-type of beach with white sand and fishes swimming along rather it was black sand, with a few fishes and LOTS of jellyfish (I mean it.. LOTS!). Oftentimes, I would even find one as big as my fist, swimming just in front of me. Well, the place was a long stretch of shore, extending to I'm-not-sure-exactly-how-long kilometers. And lots of crabs (baby crabs) inhabit the shore.
From Trinidad Bay Resort you can already see Potipot Island which was a ten-minute boat ride away-- so you can just imagine how near it was. Potipot was different because of its white sand and clear waters-- a pretty good place for snorkling (but not much fish is found). A circumferencial walk of the island only took about 15-20 minutes. It was really small and no infrastructure was allowed to be built on the site. But then again, lots of jellyfish (even bigger than those found in Trinidad) inhabit the water.
The 3-day 2-night stay in Zambales brought about an indescribable feeling of contentment mixed with wonder and awe as I got the chance to experience a very different angle of what the Philippine waters have to offer. It was indeed a literal turning-your-back occurence from the hustle and bustle of normal city life; and it was indeed a break from the scorching heat of the Manila sun. This one, my readers, is of the perfect moments of my summer life.