Saturday, May 03, 2008

Blessed Wishes

I do not remember the last time I felt this good. And I mean it: I feel so DAMN good. You know how one day you desperately and eagerly beg the Almighty for a long list of your selfish desires-- well, okay.. not THAT selfish but you know, some things you really really want-- and at times you feel that there's no hope of such being answered so you wish for something else. And then, the next day, unexpectedly, you get your wish.. just like a package being delivered to your doorstep. And the good thing about it is that they get delivered simultaneously. As soon as one happens, the next thing comes popping right up. And eventually, you then realize that your wishes came true thereby proving that, yea, prayers are always answered at the right time.

If you don't get what I mean, try rereading it all over again.

Now, I am a different happy person. It's like I was pulled out of my comfort zone and people get to see me smile often. I can sing in the shower as loud as I used to. I don't feel bitter when I reminisce about the past. And the past, even though it is history, tries to replay itself back again. Yes, with the same people, but headed on a different type of journey.

@ 11:25 AM

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Too Much For Being Prepared

Just when I got full control of how my summer will be, it just blew up right in front of me. And mind you, it was a disrespectful attempt to massacre my plans. How unfortunate am I.. just when I had everything in place, every schedule tracked down, it blew up just like thaaaat: BAM!

I cannot really accept the fact that I will be confined within the walls of our house once again and desperately try to contain myself as I lament on my very frail, luckless situation every single summer day. Dull, if you want me to be precise. The sprain, which incidentally I had just after a couple of days of telling mum that I was privileged enough for not yet having experienced such a painful circumstance, will put me to rest for about a month's time. And yes, such a long duration would definitely draw me to at least the lowest possible attack of a dysfunctional brain. I am dead.

But heck, I would not let this feeling topple me over. I will wrestle it until my ankle gets swollen to the size a fist. That's how desperate I am to discover some easy way out of my hapless condition. Of course, I wouldn't want to die out of boredom. So now, my bestfriends are the ankle support my Dad gave, Bengay, a box of Salonpas and our maid who volunteered to massage my sprained ankle.

I do not know for how long this thing will last but I wish I can get over it soon because aside from the fact that it is painful, I also have a hard time walking properly (and it's quite funny watching me walk, trust me!!) and a swollen foot is such an awful site.

@ 12:03 PM

Goes by the name Kara. 16 years young. Filipina and Proud!

1. I put a lot of catsup on my pizza
2. I do not eat gummy bears/gummy worms and other chewy sweets
3. I have a shoe addiction
4. I can act tomboy-ish at times
5. I think I want to be a pilot






*items with asterisks (*) are NOT included in the priority list

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