Sunday, August 31, 2008


Weekends are supposedly for rest and relaxation, however piles of school works turned it upside-down. I cannot get over the fact of how wickedly designed school demands are and mind you, they tend to outweigh each other when it comes to exigency, when indeed they are just hours apart with each other's deadline.

My sleep has not been regular nor healthy, for that matter and my parents are quite concerned with it. I cannot help but dream about those lazy summer afternoon siestas I used to have. Well, okay, maybe I do get siestas in school, but they are not as good as my mid-afternoon naps on the comfy, blue couch in living room. Oh, and with all those throw pillows and fresh air breeze, that makes it the ultimate power nap!

Oh, I just miss how summer would allow me to dawdle and delay and I love the feeling that it gives off, not having to think about deadlines and tasks. On top of these, I appreciate how much time it was able to give to myself.

Yes, I miss summer but I believe that I definitely have to make the most of what is given me at the moment. You just never know when things may eventually feel like summer again-- oh how I wish!

@ 6:00 PM

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back Row Rants

Ever since I moved to the farthest back row of the class, I have felt more vulnerability to talking, sleeping and doing some homeworks in advance. I knew it wasn't a good idea to place me there-- top such with the fact that one of my seatmates is a really good friend of mine. So talking is very much unavoidable. Being at the back row is more difficult than I expected it to be. Squinting of the eyes, just to read what is written on the other end of the room, is so common, specially when the teachers are not that considerate to put up their fonts to 40 or even more. Poor, strained eyes, I know. Then, there are also those (teachers) who possess gentle, soft voices which is not likable in behalf of all of us in the back row. Discussions only get appreciated when teachers walk along the aisle-- at least, there is, somehow, an equal distribution of her voice within the four corners of the classroom. With the soft voice, the tendency is for us not to listen. So, I easily get distracted and end up doing unnecessary things. Bad, I know, I just cannot help it. And yes, I even sleep. God forbid, I sleep even in the classes I used to like. Ha, too much for that! Another major shortcomming of being at the back is the lack of electric fans. With the weather being like summer again, it really gets uncomfortable back there. Sweating is so not cool. And, it drains up your energy and makes you feel definitely uneasy. It tends to distract you so much that you eventually just mentally disappear into some dreamy fantasy land.

On the contrary, what's good about being in the farthest row is that you do not get noticed too much. This gives me a little more confidence in doing advance (TAKE NOTE: advance!) homeworks and later on, grants me more time to dilly-dally and sleep at home. Can you spell lovely?! Then, you can also talk with your seatmates without your attention being called (hopefully). Since you can't hear the teacher, more or less, she can't hear you back as well.

But being at the back is not all that bad. I taught me to loosen up and keep my cool. It made me appreciate time more and gave me a whole lot of realizations. It brought me to understand that I do not necessarily have to be SO rigid with myself in all aspects concerning school. And you know what, although this is quite a bit to hard to say, since I was placed back there, I felt I enjoyed school much more. I cannot further explain it, but trust me, you'll get this feeling too when you have the chance to get placed all the way back there.

@ 12:26 PM

Goes by the name Kara. 16 years young. Filipina and Proud!

1. I put a lot of catsup on my pizza
2. I do not eat gummy bears/gummy worms and other chewy sweets
3. I have a shoe addiction
4. I can act tomboy-ish at times
5. I think I want to be a pilot






*items with asterisks (*) are NOT included in the priority list

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